Above, is an original piece entitled, "Downtown Miami 2008" Watercolors, Oil Pastels, & Brushed Ink on Paper 11"x14".
We Merge Magazine featured Artist, click to read
See my new art blog. Come back soon for photos and videos from my trip to India!!!
Welcome to The Art of the Soul! - updated 1.10.2012
Within this webiste you will find paintings, drawings, photography, and artwork inspired by everyday life and interpreted through the eyes and hands of Jonathan Matthew Fields. The work is anything but ordinary.
2011 - My South Florida DJ website - A1A Djs in Miami
My designs and paintings are being transformed into a fashion line. J-Matthew.com
In 2010, Jonathan was featured as a DJ for a Coast Guard Public Service Announcement that aired nationally on MTV. See the commercial on YouTube.
2010, Donated a painting to auction for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund.
2010, Re-branded Harmonik Designs into an agency that focuses on internet marketing. Search Enginge Marketing Pros
In 2009, his original paintings were featured on season 6 of the hit reality TV show "College Hill"
Jonathan M. Fields is now a full time Coral Springs Acupuncturist at Integrative Medicine US